New CDC Class on Pandemic Flu Communications

Published on
April 29, 2009

If you're covering the swine flu outbreak, you should make time for a free online class offered by the Centers for Disease Control on Thursday from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST.

The CDC's "Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication" course offers a refresher on essential knowledge and tools for communicating about the outbreak. Although it's aimed at public health officials, not the media, the lessons are likely to be valuable as they provide an inside look at how the CDC does its communications work. The 90-minute session will include a half-hour of questions and answers with a CDC instructor.

To register: Go to the CDC's class registration page, select "public events" (top left), select year (2009) and month (April) and register for the session. There is also another introductory class on pandemic flu that might be worthwhile.

For more information, contact Barbara Reynolds or Elvia Earley at