Rep. Sam Farr teams with nutritionist on 30-day health challenge

Published on
July 15, 2014

This story about a congressman accepting a challenge to live healthier for 30 days and encouraging constituents to do the same came out of the blue.

I got an announcement Friday and the challenge (3 rules: No alcohol after 7:30 p.m., only one serving of bread per day and 7,000 steps a day) started Monday.

The congressman's staff helped me connect with him after a long plane ride from California.

The nutritionist who put him up to the challenge lives locally in Santa Cruz and was helpful.…

Since this is going to be an ongoing story for 30 days, I am using and  to post updates.

For example, even though the congressman was doubtful he could reach 7,000 steps due to the rain, he tallied 8,700 steps, so I tweeted that. And the number of participants grew overnight from 170 to 250, so I tweeted that.