Jondi Gumz
I am editor of the Times Publishing Group, Inc., which publishes the Aptos Times, Capitola-Soquel Times, Scotts Valley Times and Coastal Health & Wellness. I retired from the Santa Cruz Sentinel in January 2019 after working there since 1992. I was a Center for Health Journalism California Fellow in 2010. I'm a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists and the Society of American Business Editors and Writers. I've covered a variety of beats and gotten training from the Poynter Institute and the Reynolds Center for Business Journalism. I've won the Casey Medal and awards from the Education Writers Association, Society of Environmental Journalists and the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club.
When Tim Fitzmaurice lost his wife Ginny, his partner of 44 years, to dementia in 2014, his experience as her caregiver brought him so much pain and guilt that he kept it to himself. Until Tuesday, when he asked Santa Cruz County health staff to reach out to families dealing with dementia.
When small business owners in Santa Cruz, California, shared their frustration about the Affordable Care Act hiking their health insurance premiums by 85%, commentator Rush Limbaugh noticed, mentioning my story in the Santa Cruz Sentinel twice in his broadcast.
After a rain, mushrooms pop up. Even if you are an experienced mushroom hunter, it's hard to tell the difference between an edible variety and one that can be deadly. ...
In Santa Cruz County, the contract dispute between Blue Shield and Sutter Health hits home because of Sutter's large presence here.
How do you make sense of a decision made by key players outside your coverage area that affects your community like a punch in the gut?
What happens when a health reporter personally tries out some of the health trends she routinely covers? Jondi Gumz committed herself to taking more steps and eating healthier foods than ever before. Not that it always came easy, especially on deadline days.
This story about a congressman accepting a challenge to live healthier for 30 days and encouraging constituents to do the same came out of the blue....
The problem in Santa Cruz County's San Lorenzo Valley is unhealthy air. The question is: What can be done to improve it?
Two years ago Sara Keenan was overweight and dependent on pain-killers that were shutting down her lungs and putting her at risk of dying. Today she is off pain-killers and 170 pounds lighter, with ambitions to become a personal coach to give hope to others who are overweight. Here is how she did it
Are there enough doctors in your county to serve people in your county newly insured by Covered California? In Santa Cruz County, we can't tell....