
You learn a lot when you spend months reporting on a given issue or community, as our fellows can attest. Whether you’re embarking on a big new story or seeking to go deeper on a given issue, it pays to learn from those who’ve already put in the shoe leather and crunched the data. In these essays and columns, our community of journalists steps back from the notebooks and tape to reflect on key lessons, highlight urgent themes, and offer sage advice on the essential health stories of the day. 

By Kristen Natividad

<p>Share your online multimedia expertise and join the Everyday Health team, which currently seeks a YouTube specialist. Additionally, those with investigative reporting experience might want to apply for a fellowship with Harvard University.</p>

By Lisa Aliferis

<p>The Los Angeles Times examines the apparent failure of the city's much-touted healthier school lunch program, which appears to be a "flop" with students. Journalist Lisa Aliferis says the program may be more successful than anyone realizes.</p>

By Barbara Feder Ostrov

<p>Little evidence for ER wait marketing claims, new EPA rules on mercury emissions, and news about a controversial chronic fatigue finding, plus more from our Daily Briefing.</p>

By Angilee Shah

<p>The Open Notebook's Pitch Database gives freelance health journalists great examples and lessons to help them get their stories into magazines.</p>