Glamour: 'How one reporter got an entire city talking about sex education'

Having “the talk” can be awkward. Even though there’s a lot of research that says talking honestly to youth about sex ed is the best thing to do, the subject is rarely taught as frankly as math or science.

California recently became the first state in the country to pass a law that actually requires schools provide comprehensive sex education. That means more than the dusty old textbooks or black and white VHS tapes some of us are used to. (Remember that alarmist scene in Mean Girls?) Now, schools in California must not only teach about birth control and safe sex, but also provide lessons on abortion, LGBT relationships, consent, gender identity, and more.

But not everyone is happy about it. Where I live, in the conservative Central Valley, there has been a history of pushback against sex education. In 2015, a nearby school district was sued because its sex ed textbooks didn’t mention condoms at all and compared a girl who was not a virgin to a dirty shoe . ...

Read Mackenzie Mays' full piece for Glamour on her fellowship reporting here.