
Our fellows and grantees produce ambitious, deeply reported stories in partnership with the Center for Health Journalism on a host of timely health, social welfare and equity topics. In addition, the center publishes original reporting and commentary from a host of notable contributors, focused on the intersection of health and journalism. Browse our story archive, or go deeper on a given topic or keyword by using the menus below.

Over a span of three decades in courthouses across Southern California, more than a dozen dental malpractice lawsuits have been filed against Bakersfield prosthodontist Robert Tupac in courthouses across Southern California. The allegations are extensive.

When school ends each year, so do the free and reduced-price meals that most low-income Washington, D.C. families rely upon for basic nutrition. To fill the gap, the city's Dept. of Parks and Recreation manages more than 200 feeding sites throughout the city. The benefits go beyond nutrition.

North Carolina signed up more enrollees in Obamacare than any other red state. Yet politically, the legislation remains a huge liability for Democrats in the state. That's partly a result of enrollment organizers' attempt to keep insurance sign-ups as separate from the issue's politics as possible.

Detroit women are dying from pregnancy-related causes at a rate three times greater than for the nation. While it’s widely assumed that death in pregnancy or childbirth is an anachronism in a highly developed country, rates are actually creeping upward, in both Detroit and nationwide.

As one only four its kind in the nation, the tuberculosis unit inside Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles County houses patients with tough, drug resistant TB. While tuberculosis cases are down, drug-resistant forms are increasing, a result of migration and a spike in untreated cases.

We know women’s lives are saved when we look at cancer through a pink lens. How many more could be saved if we included all the colors representing cancers unique to women?