
I am a web designer interested in simplifying nutrition information so that people can make better choices for their health. The wesbite I work for, HealthAliciousNess.com, fetures tools to compare nutrition labels, and nutrition lists which can alert people as to which foods are high in cholesterol and sodium as well as which foods are high in nutrients they need: Zinc, Iron, Vitamin B12, protein and more...The blog section covers discoveries in nutrition and contains articles such as "Vitamins that can Protect and Repair DNA to slow Cancer and Aging".


<p>An <a href="http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ben/cnf/2009/00000005/00000004/ar…; title="Nutrient Content of Lettuce and its Improvement">article</a> in Current Nutrition &amp; Food Science has pointed out that "open leaf" type <a href="http://www.healthaliciousness.com/vegetables/lettuce.php&quot; title="Information on Lettuce">lettuces</a> such as romaine are much richer in nutrients than crisp head types, like ice-berg. The main reason for this difference is the ability of the leaves to absorb light, and thereby synthesize more vitamins.

<p>What are the causes of cancer? What makes us older? If lifestyle choices like smoking cigarettes or drinking cola increase our risk of cancer, what can we do to try reverse or change these decisions? Is it even possible to reverse the damage? How proven are these theories?</p>

<p>HealthAliciousNess is a website dedicated to presenting nutrition information in a simple easy to understand format.</p> <p>Being healthy has nothing to do with sacrifice and limitation. Rather it has to do with possibility, sharing, learning, trying new things, and feeling better.</p> <p>By using this website you will...</p>