Shannon Muchmore
Shannon Muchmore reports from Washington on health politics and policy. Before joining Modern Healthcare in 2015, she was the health reporter at the Tulsa (Okla.) World. She has a bachelor’s degree in news editorial journalism from Oklahoma State University.
<p>With the right data and good contacts to point you to personal stories, you can find where people are having trouble receiving medical care and tell an important story.</p>
<p>My three-part series on the difficulty of access to health care in Oklahoma has been published and has received positive feedback. There were hurdles and concerns right up until the run dates, but luckily I had no major difficulties.</p>
<p>Is Oklahoma headed toward a crisis in access to health care? Health experts say yes — for many reasons. This three-part series examines the problems, how they affect all Oklahomans and what can be done to change the situation.</p>
<p>Is Oklahoma headed toward a crisis in access to health care? Health experts say yes -- for many reasons. This three-part series takes a look at the problems, how it affects all Oklahomans and what can be done to change it.</p>
<p>The first in a three part series on the causes behind Oklahoma's lack of access to health care, including a physician shortage, geographic disparities and lack of transportation options.</p>
<p>Earlier this year, the New England Journal of Medicine named Oklahoma as the state that will have the worst access to health care when Medicaid expands in 2014.</p>