Poverty and Class

Families such as the Stewarts rely on a health care system that is overwhelmingly white and has historically treated patients of color poorly.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Chronic Disease

Domestic workers are using lessons learned from California’s wildfires to support their communities through the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re also pushing for legislation that could protect workers in future disasters.

Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Poverty and Class, Community Safety

Since he lost his housing and began living on the streets in 2010, Theo Henderson has found it challenging to manage his Type 2 diabetes. Having so little control over his environment, it’s extremely difficult to follow any sort of routine, which is something diabetes patients say is key in helping

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Chronic Disease, Patient Safety and Ethics

Are parents whose children are being removed from their homes following allegations of abuse and neglect being billed for the cost of foster care and family reunification services? The signs suggest yes.

Poverty and Class, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Community Safety