Healthcare Systems & Policy

Media coverage of unaccompanied minors has subsided in the past couple of months, although immigration hearings and deportations continue. Meanwhile, what do we know so far about the quality of health care provided to such minors?

Race and Equity, Health Insurance and Costs

As a reporter who was born and raised in China, I had a hard time trying to figure out what my health insurance options were when I came to Los Angeles for graduate school. What was Obamacare? What was Covered California? The challenges go beyond language barriers.

Race and Equity, Health Insurance and Costs

The two largest health care providers in southern Santa Barbara County have announced plans to merge. How would such a move impact the cost, quality and access to care for the region's residents? Hospital mergers elsewhere have resulted in prices — but not necessarily quality — going up.

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform

In 2014, only 32 percent of Medicaid-enrolled children received any oral health care, according to Florida data submitted to the federal government. Without proper dental care from the time children sprout their first tooth, they can be set up for a lifetime of tooth decay and cavities.

Health Insurance and Costs

A local community foundation has teamed up with one of the nation's leading public health researchers to survey more than 5,000 pediatricians throughout the state on their interactions with the Florida Medicaid program.

Health Insurance and Costs

When it comes to a hospitalized child, it’s fair to say no one is keeping tabs more closely than the mom or dad perched bedside. It’s no surprise they’re often to the first to catch medical errors, as new research suggests.

Patient Safety and Ethics