Healthcare Systems & Policy

The practice of physicians "self-referring" patients to facilities in which they or their families have a financial stake has dramatically increased in some specialties. The practice increases health costs for procedures and tests that are of questionable benefit to patients.

Health Insurance and Costs

Geographic boundaries can have a big impact on health insurance options, particularly for people living in rural regions. Rural residents tend to fare better on premiums and choices when their area is grouped with an urban neighbor.

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Environmental Health

As the country tries to find a way to regulate, tax, legalize, or punish people for buying, growing, and using marijuana - it's high time we find out the long term effects. 

Local hospitals in San Diego like UCSD and Scripps offer mindfullness programs where they encourage people to meditiate, sit in silence, and just “be” as a way to destress and help heal their bodies....

If you are a Californian having a baby for the first time, choose your hospital wisely. You might even wish to move. A recent report from the California Hospital Assessment and Reporting Taskforce revealed alarming discrepancies in outcomes for low-risk pregnancies at high-performing and low-perform

Patient Safety and Ethics, Environmental Health, Women's and Maternal Health

New Jersey was one of 28 states that opted to accept federal money to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. That expansion has added almost 400,000 people to the public health insurance program - without necessarily adding more doctors to see them.

Health Insurance and Costs

A look at federal inspection reports will reveal how hospitals have failed to protect patients from contracting serious, and sometimes deadly, infections.

Patient Safety and Ethics

There are a range of agencies involved in licensing and disciplining the health care professionals who do the bulk of the work in clinics, hospitals, and other health care settings. Here's how to start tracking down records that can raise red flags and lead to compelling stories.

Patient Safety and Ethics