Beau Yarbrough
Staff Writer
Staff Writer
Beau Yarbrough wrote his first newspaper article taking on an authority figure (his middle school principal) when he was in 7th grade. He’s worked as a professional journalist in Virginia, Egypt and California. In that time, he’s covered community news, features, politics, local government, education, the comic book industry and more. He’s covered the war in Bosnia, interviewed presidential candidates, written theatrical reviews, attended a seance, ridden in a blimp and interviewed both Batman and Wonder Woman (Adam West and Lynda Carter). He also cooks a mean pot of chili.
Students learn how bullying impacts one another and create their own plans to help.
How one reporter used data to assess school climate in California.
The same advice parents give children before heading to school or a friend's house can protect them from cyberbullies.
This story is part of a larger project for the 2021 Data Fellowship, a program of the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism....
One in three middle and high school students say they’ve been bullied, a new Southern California News Group analysis shows.
Diego Stolz, 13, was fatally assaulted at Landmark Middle School in 2019, but wrongful death lawsuit probably won’t be heard before 2023.
What do schools where students report low levels of bullying and fighting have in common? A reporter seeks to answer that question.
Two reporters share how they cleared tall hurdles to paint a harrowing portrait of COVID-19's impact on Southern California nursing homes.
On April 11, Dena Garcia was told that her mother was running a fever. Three days later, she was sent to the ER, where she was unresponsive.
Many factors can contribute to how severely the virus strikes a home, including its location and size. But having enough staff is vital, especially during a pandemic, experts say. New research backs that up.