Brenda Rincon
In June, 2014, I created Mathnasium of Palm Desert, we specialize in teaching kids math the way that makes sense to them.
In late 2010, New America Media embarked on the task of launching a youth-led, community-based media outlet in the Eastern Coachella Valley. The goal was to strengthen, empower and amplify the voices of young people in this community.
I was privileged to be leading this charge and building Coachella Unincorporated from the ground up with my dedicated students. Our simple blog soon became a comprehensive website, carrying stories that have resonated across our community and beyond.
Alicia Montes is one of an unknown number of victims of domestic violence in the Eastern Coachella Valley – a largely impoverished agricultural community with approximately 56,000 residents, about 20 miles east of Palm Springs — and one of the few to report her abuser to authorities.
Just minutes from Palm Springs and Indian Wells, the Eastern Coachella Valley is a community of farm workers with a high incidence of domestic violence. What are the underlying reasons that make farm worker men more susceptible to becoming abusers?
Juan was 17 when he entered the U.S., backpack on his shoulders, easily passing as an American student through the Tijuana border.
He quickly realized that, as an undocumented immigrant, it wouldn’t be easy to stay in the U.S.. And as a gay man, it wouldn’t be easy to go back to Mexico.
COACHELLA, Calif. – Cristian Cabrera was working in the grape fields with her family last summer, saving money for the fall semester, when she received a text from a friend. “Have you heard the good news?” The news was life-changing for Cabrera and other undocumented college students.