Daisy Rosario
Families in the foster care system are assigned case workers. These are social workers whose job it is to work closely with everyone involved.
Toxic stress is becoming a hot topic in science and brain development. It’s also an emerging public health concern. Experts say the way to avoid toxic stress is through strong relationships that support children and their families.
There has been growing recognition in recent years that "toxic stress" can disfigure young lives in lasting ways. But how do health systems begin to address the problem? Daisy Rosario looks at how the Montefiore health system in the Bronx is tackling the issue through pediatric care.
The concept of "toxic stress" has rapidly gained currency in recent years to explain the damaging effects sustained stress and instability can have on young children. Reporter Daisy Rosario is exploring how such stress impacts underserved communities, and how it might be addressed through services.
Last year we did a story on infant mortality in Rochester, NY. A few experts we talked to said toxic stress was one possible reason that babies born to black and Latina mothers died at such a high rate.