Jeff Kelly Lowenstein
I am an independent writer and lecturer at Columbia College Chicago. Previosuly, I was the Database and Investigative Editor for Hoy, the Chicago Tribune's Spanish-language newspaper.
Prior to working at Hoy, I was a staff reporter for five years at The Chicago Reporter, a bimonthly publication that does investigative work around race and poverty issues.
I am also president of the Dart Society, an organization of journalists that works to tell stories about trauma and violence with sensitivity and compassion, and that also works to help journalists deal with the impact of doing that work.
I live in Evanston, IL with my wife and son.
A big national health report or new story breaks, and you'd like to cover the news with a local or regional angle. What should you keep in mind? Veteran investigative reporter Jeff Kelly Lowenstein offers five suggestions to get your story started.
In the second of two parts, reporter Jeff Kelly Lowenstein shares more strategies for ensuring that big reporting projects reach audiences and have impacts. Many think of publication as the end of a project, but it's really the start of an opportunity to make your project matter more.
To really engage audiences and maximize the impact of a big reporting project, it's vital to plan ahead. Reporter Jeff Kelly Lowenstein shares the strategies he used to give legs to a recent three-part investigative series on nursing home care.
At Hoy we have a motto that we like to shoot for the moon and see how far we get....
This is a story about Oscar Argueta who has enough ambition to make important contributions to the city of Mount Pleasant, Ill., to the region and his hometown of San Luis Jilotepeque in Guatemala.
The living conditions for migrant workers and their families in the apartment complex Cherry Orchard Village in Rantoul, Ill., were able to stir even the most hardened stomach. Sewage flooded the area where buildings were erected.
Julie Pryde, public health manager of Champaign-Urbana, Ill., was as surprised as ever when she went to the apartment complex Cherry Orchard Village to address a drainage issue, and found deplorable living conditions in the building. She immediately got to work and called a emergency meeting.
Sixty-seven percent of Hispanic women and seventy-five percent of Latino men in Chicago who work full time, were uninsured in 2009, according to the analysis of today. These figures were much lower than that recorded full-time workers whites, blacks and Asians.
Reyna Wences is undocumented and has no health insurance. She had a bicycle accident last September, was hit by a car and ended up in hospital. Read more to find out how she copes with it.
For all the difficulties it has faced, from rape as a teenager who impregnated her, the trip north in which he said had to be a prostitute drug dealer, to domestic violence who lived with the father of her second son, Elsa González always clung with one voice: that of his father.