I am a photographer, radio producer and print reporter specializing in topics related to reproductive health, mental illness and health disparities. I am also a childbirth photographer.

I was a 2017-18 recipient of a Rosalynn Carter Fellowship for Mental Health Journalism and a 2016-17 Knight Science Journalism Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology.

For six years, I worked as the Center for Health Reporting's multimedia journalist, based in Los Angeles. I am a past president of the national organization Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) and spent my early 20s leading canoe expeditions for young women, including a solo-led 45-trip in the Canadian Arctic.


As a multimedia journalist, I tell stories using video, photography, radio and writing. For a recent series of data-heavy stories on vaccines, I focusing mainly on writing. But as I came to realize, I should have paid more attention to the images. Here's why.