
Linda Marsa

Medical and Science Reporter

I'm an investigative journalist, author and teacher specializing in science, medicine and health.  My latest book, Fevered: Why a Hotter Planet Will Hurt Our Health and How We Can Save Ourselves, about how climate change will affect our health, is due out in August.  I'm also a contributing editor at Discover, and a former staff writer for the Los Angeles Times.  My Discover story, Going to Extremes, about climate change in Australia, was anthologized in Best American Science Writing, 2012.  I've also been a contributing editor for Omni and Ladies' Home Journal, and have written for dozens of national magazines, including the Los Angeles Times Magazine, Pacific Standard, Los AngelesSpin, More, Mother Jones, Popular Science, Reader's Digest, Glamour, the Financial Times and Utne Reader.  I'm also the author of Prescription for Profits: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Bankrolled the Unholy Marriage Between Science and Business.


<p>California has been in the forefront of the move to implement the Obama Administration's new health care reform legislation. But the state is also in the midst of a terrible budget crisis, and is trying to cut already low Medicaid rates even lower. &nbsp;"If this is supposed to be the bellwether state for health reform," asks Noam Levey, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times, "what does it say for everyone else?"</p>

<p>Clearly, I don't have access to Jobs' medical records and this is all pure speculation. But there was an interesting article in this week's Newsweek by Sharon Begley that raises the issue that the treatments Jobs embarked on for his illness may have in fact hastened his demise.</p>

<p>Linda Marsa writes about a research team that's received more than $7 million from the Gates Foundation to study an approach that may eventually eliminate dengue fever—and possibly other vector-borne diseases.</p>

<p>At what point will our planet become too darn hot? Scientists are now saying that if we don't do anything about curbing carbon emissions, temperatures in the next few decades could rise so high so fast that many regions of the Earth will become inhabitable.</p>

<p>Think floods like the ones in Pakistan and Australia can't happen in California?&nbsp; Think again, say government researchers.</p>

<p><strong>Cook Stoves Save Lives: Why Hillary Clinton's new indoor stove initiative will help stop global warming</strong></p><p>Last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pledged $50 million in seed money to supply fuel efficient indoor stoves for women in Africa. When you think of the mega-billions that are spent on endless wars, it's refreshing to see that what the DOD would consider chump change is being earmarked for a worthy project that will save tens of millions of lives, improve the health of millions more—and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.</p>