
Our fellows and grantees produce ambitious, deeply reported stories in partnership with the Center for Health Journalism on a host of timely health, social welfare and equity topics. In addition, the center publishes original reporting and commentary from a host of notable contributors, focused on the intersection of health and journalism. Browse our story archive, or go deeper on a given topic or keyword by using the menus below.

Ana Azpurua produced this project on Hispanic families affected by autism in North Texas, conducted with support from the USC Annenberg California Endowment Journalism Fellowship 2012. Other stories in this series include:
Familias enfrentan el autismo y un laberinto de barreras
Padres informados pu

At a South Los Angeles community clinic, the grand expectations of Washington policymakers meet the sobering realities of treating patients who often have poor health habits, limited resources and complex illnesses.

In exposing the bullying and deceit of of the biotech industry, Jeffrey Smith’s mesmerizing film shines a bright light of hope that we can reclaim our health and our food systems. Watch it and be galvanized, inspired, and engaged. Then tell everyone you know.