California’s ‘failure to protect’ law allows child welfare agencies to take kids from households scarred by domestic violence. Advocates say the separation can worsen a family’s trauma.
Community Safety
“We are more than just an obituary. We have lives, too. We come from families. We have friends who care about us, but those stories are never told,” said transgender advocate Elle Halo.
“It is such an epidemic, I think people don’t realize,” one survivor said. “And if they can start learning about the signs of grooming and abuse, I think that’s the point where we can step in.”
Massachusetts has fallen behind dozens of other states that have passed stricter laws to protect kids from abuse, an investigation finds.
An investigation uncovers scores of cases of sexual abuse by Massachusetts public school staff over the past decades that has left survivors with lasting emotional scars and years of trauma.
Arkansas is home to more psychiatric residential treatment facilities than almost any other state in the country, but oversight is woefully lacking.
The American Academy of Pediatrics released new guidelines for managing childhood obesity, but the recommendations are a challenge for overwhelmed health systems.
This week: Supreme Court decision impacts domestic violence, FDA bans harmful chemicals for Black women, 'excited delirium' under scrutiny, and the effects of inequities on health.
Exploring the challenges faced by Black boys in one Indianapolis neighborhood struggling with chronic disparities and racism.
Descubre las investigaciones científicas y avances médicos que ofrecen esperanza a quienes padecen de vejiga hiperactiva, una condición que afecta la vida laboral y personal de millones de personas.