In Washington, D.C., the rush to capitalize on the influx of more affluent residents is having long-term effects on the health of residents young and old.
Environmental Health
At one of the busiest public hospitals in the nation, doctors are making a big push to better address the underlying forces shaping health.
“The Children of Central City” is a powerful set of stories and videos that uncover the deep emotional and physical scars born by New Orleans’ most vulnerable kids.
A yearlong effort to obtain basic Medicaid provider data in L.A. was rebuffed. Some health care leaders shut their doors gently. Others slammed them shut.
Thanks to climate change, the health hazard posed by extreme heat is growing. And practical solutions aren't meeting the challenge so far.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday said he was directing state funds to begin a $15.7 million emergency cleanup at some of Philadelphia’s most rundown schools.
A month after an investigation found dangerous levels of asbestos fibers in some of Philadelphia’s most rundown elementary schools, the school district has begun cleaning up seven of them.
California Assembly Bill 2963, which is to be heard this week by the Senate Health Committee, aims to ensure there are no more cases like Exide or Mangan Park.
A Philadelphia classroom is filled with dangerous levels of lead and asbestos while the unresponsive school district is missing in action.
That latest result is more than 100 times higher than the level that health experts say is cause for alarm.