Environmental Health

A Sun-Star analysis of obesity and demographic data from thousands of schools in the state show that low income and Latino students are at a substantially increased risk of developing obesity.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Chronic Disease, Food and Nutrition

When people talk about our county, they often talk about vineyards, fine dining and upscale hotels. But that's not the reality for many of us who call the Napa Valley home.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Housing and Homeslessness, Food and Nutrition, Community Safety

This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Deidre McPhillips, a participant in the USC Center for Health Journalism's 2018 Data Fellowship.
Other stories in this series include:

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Mental Health, Community Safety

Support for Curcio’s reporting on this project also came from the Fund for Journalism on Child Well-Being, a program of the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism at the University of Southern California.
Other stories in this series include:

Environmental Health

A bag of local organic produce — from fresh corn to tomatoes to broccoli to snap peas — would typically cost more than $30 to buy at any store or farmers markets. But for workers at two Louisville companies, the same bag will cost just $5 this summer.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Food and Nutrition