This story is part of a larger project series, "Voices from the Vineyard," led by Sarah Klearman, a 2020 Impact Fellow. She is reporting on how the twin crises of the pandemic and the wildfires have impacted the health of the valley’s farmworkers and their families....
Mental Health
A collection of resources to help you find care providers, access mental health and spirituality support, or learn more about Black perinatal health and birth justice.
County officials helped coordinate staffing resources and frequent testing for skilled nursing workers and residents.
The smoke, it seemed to Victor, was inescapable. At night, it clung to his clothes, his hair, the inside of his nose; during the day, as he worked under the sun in the vineyards, he was embalmed by it.
SF is bringing people off the streets, but a shortage of mental health workers to help them stay housed could put all this effort at risk.
The legislature approved provisions requiring parents be notified before their child is sent for an involuntary psychiatric exam.
When reporting on trauma and death, strategies for coping become essential.
The latest in a series investigating the challenges and systemic gaps that cause parents to abandon their children to state custody in Georgia.
The Office of Licensing is crafting new rules after legislators passed a bill that brings more state oversight for the first time in 15 years.
From PTSD to traumatic brain injuries, two experts on domestic violence trauma brief reporters on what we know from the science — and still don't.