Patient Safety and Ethics

Myeshia is a married, 34-year-old cis Black queer woman with a PhD. Two weeks after giving birth to her first child in a Southern California emergency room, things take a turn for the worse.

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Women's and Maternal Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

'The only thing standing between us is this glass,' Alex Benavidez told his wife, Kayla, as they grappled with COVID-19 restrictions during the birth of their daughter. The pandemic has spurred striking precautions in delivery rooms across Texas.

Women's and Maternal Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Patient Safety and Ethics

Since he lost his housing and began living on the streets in 2010, Theo Henderson has found it challenging to manage his Type 2 diabetes. Having so little control over his environment, it’s extremely difficult to follow any sort of routine, which is something diabetes patients say is key in helping

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Chronic Disease, Patient Safety and Ethics

The assisted living industry has largely resisted calls for federal oversight, saying greater regulatory and staffing expenses would be passed on to residents.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Health Insurance and Costs, Mental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Patient Safety and Ethics, Aging

When and why does ICE inject detainees with sedatives? And what kind of medications are officials using? A reporter seeks answers on a disturbing practice.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics