Community & Public Health

The San Joaquin Valley is home to some of the California's highest rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. As part of a series on sex education and teen pregnancy, The Fresno Bee found out what some women wished they would have learned about sex when they were younger.

Through a fellowship with the USC Annenberg-Center for Health Journalism, we travel to LA and look at a program, which is helping ensure babies and parents are safe, healthy, and at the same time connecting them to other Native Americans in the big city.

Race and Equity

In an era when good data about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community remains elusive, reporter Matthew Bajko unearths currently available sources.

Once again, Congress is considering a bill that would repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and make major cuts to Medicaid. Next week, the Senate may vote on this latest repeal effort, led by Senators Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.

Environmental Health, Women's and Maternal Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Mental Health, Patient Safety and Ethics