Community & Public Health

More than two years after the Affordable Care Act took effect, members of Fresno’s traditionally underserved communities still struggle to find proper access, reports 2016 California Fellow Hannah Esqueda.

Health Insurance and Costs, Chronic Disease

These days, hundreds of Texas pediatric dentists spend their days counseling parents about the importance of taking care of their young children’s teeth. Can Florida's troubled Medicaid dental program emulate Texas' success?

Health Insurance and Costs

After New York State started publicly reporting mortality rates for cardiac surgery, some poor performing surgeons stopped practicing or left the state and mortality rates dropped. What do journalists and policy thinkers need to know about similar efforts nationwide?

Keriana Carll cries in pain nearly every day. Her mouth hurts. The 4-year-old has such severe dental disease that she had to get her front tooth pulled. But no dentist in Florida's Sarasota or Manatee County was willing to treat her.

Health Insurance and Costs

A first-of-its-kind CDC report on arthritis gained hardly any notice in the media recently. Given the prevalence of the disease in the U.S., why aren’t health reporters devoting more coverage to this issue?

Chronic Disease