An investigation into a Sacramento gun range ultimately spurred new legislation to better protect workers from lead poisoning.
Environment & Climate
The ports of LA and Long Beach together emit 100 tons of smog daily, according to air quality officials. Even more toxic chemicals are spewed by traffic, refineries and rail yards.
Nick Serrano, a San Pedro High School senior, learned that his family’s Sunday afternoon barbecues create toxic pollution spikes outside his home based on data from a PurpleAir monitor installed there by Southern California News Group.
Florencio Flores said he worries that the oil company doesn’t prioritize the community’s health because its equipment looks old and his complaints never seem to be taken seriously.
A family with a young child in Los Angeles found dangerous levels of lead in their rental. But they haven't been able to find another home in the region's extremely tight housing market.
Famously troubled East St. Louis is embracing an idea known as “collective impact.” The idea is to better connect residents to existing services.
They analyzed chipped paint in old homes, hunted down landlords, begged families to speak with them, and even got down on their hands and knees to collect contaminated soil.
Thanks to climate change, the health hazard posed by extreme heat is growing. And practical solutions aren't meeting the challenge so far.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf on Friday said he was directing state funds to begin a $15.7 million emergency cleanup at some of Philadelphia’s most rundown schools.
A month after an investigation found dangerous levels of asbestos fibers in some of Philadelphia’s most rundown elementary schools, the school district has begun cleaning up seven of them.