Health Equity & Social Justice

This story was produced by Ida Mojadad, a participant in the 2019 Data Fellowship, who is investigating the efficacy of the health access program Healthy SF in San Francisco.

Her other stories include:
Workers may get cash payout from medical reimbursement accounts
Millions left sitting in medi

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

In our highly connected world, abusers use technology against victims to monitor, threaten, harass, and hurt them.

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics

In recent years, the jail has also seen the number of deaths in custody tick upward. Most of those deaths are suicides, a category of deaths some jail experts have deemed “mostly preventable.”

Poverty and Class, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics