While the success of South Asians in the Silicon Valley tech sector gets a lot of ink, not much is written or known about the spouses of these tech workers who come on dependent visas. Two journalists set out to change that.
Healthcare Systems & Policy
Three of my relatives, all Mixteco farmworkers in California, died of COVID-19 last year. As we mourn, we wonder if diabetes played a role in their deaths.
El número de niños que cruza la frontera sur está aumentando otra vez. El Condado de Prince George los ayuda a sobrellevar la situación y a aprender
The state is on the cusp of becoming the first to offer all residents health care coverage, regardless of their immigration status.
Professor Peter Rupert, director of the UC Santa Barbara Economic Forecast Project, said the Central Coast population over 65 is bigger than other parts of the state.
High fees and regulatory hoops have left many in the cannabis industry locked out of the legal marketplace.
A Florida-based company is now the nation’s largest weed corporation, leaving Black growers behind.
The legal market has removed the threat of arrest, but brought with it a whole new set of challenges.
Coast to coast, the green rush is failing Black growers and entrepreneurs.
Con diabetes y sin seguro médico: así enfrentan la pandemia de COVID-19 los campesinos de California
"Alimentar a Estados Unidos es esencial y quienes hacen ese trabajo también deben ser tratados como esenciales", asegura este líder comunitario mixteco que perdió a tres familiares diabéticos, después de que se contagiaron con el virus.