Healthcare Systems & Policy

They are the youngest victims of the homeless crisis in Augusta. Young, helpless faces that are tired, weary, and in need of rest, shelter, and food. And in need of an education.

Poverty and Class, Housing and Homeslessness

In 2021, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reporter Stephen Simpson won a grant from the University of Southern California’s Center for Health Journalism to work on a series about health disparities in the Arkansas Delta.

Poverty and Class, Health Insurance and Costs, Mental Health, Chronic Disease, Food and Nutrition

While the success of South Asians in the Silicon Valley tech sector gets a lot of ink, not much is written or known about the spouses of these tech workers who come on dependent visas. Two journalists set out to change that.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Women's and Maternal Health, Domestic Violence, Patient Safety and Ethics