Alena Maschke is a health reporter with The Current and The Acadiana Advocate in Louisiana. Previously, she covered disaster recovery in southwest Louisiana and through her work helped to bring necessary resources to a community devastated by a slew of natural disasters. She has held reporting jobs at the Naples Daily News, the Desert Sun, the Long Beach Post and the Times-Picayune. She has a bachelor’s degree from Humboldt-Universität in Berlin from and a master’s degree from the Columbia School of Journalism. Maschke’s work, including her coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic in California, has been honored by the Los Angeles Press Club and the California Newspaper Publishers Association.
Louisiana's shift from state-run mental hospitals to privatized and outpatient care left gaps in long-term treatment, fueling cycles of homelessness, ER visits, and incarceration amid funding challenges.
As Acadiana emergency rooms struggle to handle patient surges, the department of health and private mental health providers have developed programs to allow other ways of accessing mental health services.