Erika Beras
Behavioral Health Reporter/Producer
Behavioral Health Reporter/Producer
Erika Beras is a behavioral health reporter and producer at WESA Public Radio in Pittsburgh. Previously, she was a multi-media reporter at The Miami Herald where she covered breaking news. She has produced stories for national shows and has won regional and national awards for both her print and audio work including a reporting fellowship from the International Center for Journalists that sent her to Poland. She is a graduate of The Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. She is also a former Academy of Alternative Journalism Fellow at Northwestern and a returned Peace Corps Volunteer.
Refugees' first few months in the U.S. are filled with new experiences. Although the initial care is covered by medical assistance, they may still have unresolved issues and no way to pay for them.
Trying to access health care without English language skills can often leave refugees lost in translation.
Tek Nepal's meals used to consist of lots of starches. But since a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis last year, they have changed.
When Mukankindi arrived in Pittsburgh, enduring countless acts of violence and the loss of family, she fled to the Congo and then to Kenya, then Cameroon before resettling in Pittsburgh by Charities.
Pennsylvania has seen an increasing number of refugees settling in the state. I will report on efforts to deal with health issues in this community, including the high rates of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.