Marice Ashe
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Under my leadership, ChangeLab Solutions builds the capacity of leaders across the nation to address a range of chronic diseases through practical policy solutions. ChangeLab Solutions' team of lawyers, city planners, architects, and policy specialists develop model laws and policies, consult on tough policy questions, and provide training and technical assistance to ensure strong policy initiatives and sustainable solutions.
I am a frequent speaker at public health conferences throughout the nation, and I consult with federal and state agencies on how best to incorporate legal and policy tools into public health strategies. I graduated from University of Notre Dame, and received my MPH and JD from UC Berkeley.
In the wake of Freddie Gray’s death, Baltimore residents took to the streets in protest. The best media coverage showed how years of neglect have crippled West Baltimore economies, fostered distrust and violence, and put a long, healthy life entirely out of reach for many residents, Gray included.
Akron, Ohio's Accountable Care Community has brought together a coalition of partners to reduce the number of residents suffering from chronic disease and treatment costs. Similarly, nonprofit hospitals elsewhere can do much more to improve the health of entire communities.
The use of shorthand descriptions of complex health policies is common practice among journalists and editors. But when such initiatives are described as "bans," the media does a disservice to the public debate around these issues.
<p>To help combat the obesity epidemic, school districts are joining with local agencies – often for the first time – to work out a way to open their gates to the public after hours.</p>
<p>With escalating obesity rates and growing interest in “buying local,” it’s a prime moment for health reporters to shine a light on how local government leaders can build momentum for a strategy many communities have long ignored.</p>