
You learn a lot when you spend months reporting on a given issue or community, as our fellows can attest. Whether you’re embarking on a big new story or seeking to go deeper on a given issue, it pays to learn from those who’ve already put in the shoe leather and crunched the data. In these essays and columns, our community of journalists steps back from the notebooks and tape to reflect on key lessons, highlight urgent themes, and offer sage advice on the essential health stories of the day. 

By Angilee Shah

<p>Today's news roundup features the good and the bad in the fight against AIDS, health questions about food in cans, and a book for your long weekend. The <em>Daily Briefing</em> will go offline until Monday, so we sign off with some (health-related) Thanksgiving reads.</p>

By Angilee Shah

<p>Chris Seper is looking for an editor for MedCity News and while he's not looking for a social media expert, he does want someone who understands search and writing for the web. This week in <em>Career GPS</em>, he answers questions about the position.</p>

By Angilee Shah

<p>Today's <em>Daily Briefing</em> features reporters' struggles to access health information, the health of truck drivers and women who have just given birth, and a must-read about what it means to die in prison.</p>

By Apurv Gupta

<p>A couple of articles in today's USA Today identify a growing - and seemingly controversial - trend at US hospitals: standardizing approaches to clinical care delivery in order to reduce costs.</p>