Informe Program at KBBF Tackles Health: En Español

As part of our collaboration with Santa Rosa's KBBF bilingual radio station, we're presenting portions of their "Informe KBBF" news call-in program about health.

 August 10, 2018 episode of Informe, with an introduction to the idea of the social determinants of health, featuring Dr. Enrique Gonzales:

During this broadcast, producer of Informe KBBF, Edgar Avila, greets the audience for the first time behind the microphone. He introduced the Roseland Health Project, played back and expanded on the interview with Steve Mencher, KRCB news director, and introduced the concept of "social determinants of health" with Dr. Enrique Gonzalez-Mendez, longtime KBBF volunteer.
This initial program introduced different topics that may come up during the project: housing, immigration, nutrition, poverty, gang violence, infrastructure, open space and education. 

August 17, 2018 episode of Informe, looked at how housing and insecurity around renting -- and the jump in housing prices -- affects the health of residents of Roseland and other areas of Santa Rosa. 

Informe KBBF host Mariana Almaraz reviews last week’s topics and introduces the topic of housing with Dr. Gonzalez.

This hour-long show tackles how housing insecurity and high rents affect Roseland residents’ health. Host Mariana Almaraz is joined by Dr. Enrique Gonzalez. Mariana plays audio from her conversation with Nora Villanueva, a KBBF volunteer who conducted street interviews in Roseland earlier in the year.

Nora says every person she spoke with was concerned about housing. Interviewees share grievances about the high cost of rent and lack of options .Mariana and Dr. Gonzalez discuss health impacts of poor housing conditions. One caller urges caution when when looking for housing – landlords can take advantage of the tight market and rent properties in poor condition.

 August 24, 2018 episode of Informe KBBF tackles gang violence.

Host Mariana Almaraz is joined by Dr. Enrique Gonzalez and Alfredo Sanchez, a longtime community organizer and activist, for this hour on gang violence. Dr. Gonzalez talks about the history of gangs in Sonoma County, the mixed record of the gang task force and what programs have been effective in curbing gang activity. 

In a series of street interviews, residents discuss cultural and generational differences in raising children and how overworked parents are not able to spend enough time with their kids. Callers share advice for teens and stories about their own parenting styles. Alfredo discusses the importance of disciplining children without using violence and fostering emotional connection within families.

August 31 episode of Informe, KBBF in two parts. This two-hour show, hosted by Mariana Almaraz, focuses on trauma related to immigration.
The episode begins with recordings of interviews in Roseland, in which residents describe how the fear of deportation has caused people to leave the house less, shop less, even refuse to go to work. Dr. Enrique Gonzalez joins the program to explain how trauma is connected to chronic illness. Social worker Belinda Hernandez Arriaga calls in to describe her work with families in a Texas detention center, and shares advice on how to support traumatized children and families. Dr. Gonzalez closes out the program by listing symptoms of trauma in children, and encourages families to create a plan in case a parent is detained.
Part One: 

Part Two:


[This story was originally published by KRCB.]