Ruxandra Guidi
Ruxandra is a radio, print, and multimedia journalist. She has reported from the Caribbean, South and Central America, as well as the U.S.-Mexico border region. Currently, she’s an independent multimedia producer. Before that, she was a reporter with KPBS in San Diego and Fronteras, a public radio collaboration along the U.S.-Mexico border, focusing on border and immigration issues for both local and national audiences.
Research shows that working in retirement presents both financial and health advantages. What keeps some people from reaping these benefits and can companies do more to retain older workers?
In Southern California’s Eastern Coachella Valley, "promotoras" are part of a growing effort to address environmental hazards and survey residents about their other health and housing needs.
Older adults are more likely to suffer from loneliness, a risk-factor for premature death. Caregivers such as Maria Martínez can help seniors stay in their homes longer while offering needed companionship.
As two journalists spoke to seniors throughout some of L.A.'s most ethnically diverse communities, no other issue bubbled up as often and as urgently as the lack of affordable housing.
New York journalist Anthony Advincula discusses the challenge of finding a subject willing to speak openly on the sensitive issue.
Reporter Erika Beras discusses her series on the health of refugees and the linguistic, cultural and logistical barriers to health.
Puente Hills is the country’s largest landfill, taking in about 12,000 tons of trash daily. But if Americans are buying less stuff and recycling more, do we still need mega-landfills?