Chronic Disease

From extreme loneliness to heart problems to vision impairment, how does living without a home affect or contribute to these conditions as a person ages?

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Housing and Homeslessness, Chronic Disease, Community Safety, Aging

Many residents of Northern California’s Humboldt County endure high levels of adversity and loads of toxic stress, leading to poor health behaviors and increased risk of serious health conditions.

Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Mental Health, Chronic Disease

This poem was awarded an honorable mention in The Denver Post’s teen essay contest as part of an ongoing Crisis Point project on youth suicide in Colorado.

Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Mental Health, Chronic Disease, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics, Aging

When it comes to public health and environmental justice, we have yet to understand what causes a disproportionate number of asthma diagnoses and severe symptoms among Memphis children.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Chronic Disease, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics