Community Safety

An apparent link between risky behavior and bias-related bullying tends to be stronger in California’s more segregated counties.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Community Safety

Climate change is fueling increasingly extreme weather events, and someone needs to defend communities against them and clean up after them. In California, that person is often a low-wage immigrant worker.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Community Safety

The consequences of prenatal alcohol exposure include devastating, long-term conditions that range from difficulty learning to mental and physical disabilities and brain damage.

Environmental Health, Women's and Maternal Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety

Patrick Russell was one of almost 500 people to die in Southern California jails in the past decade. A grand jury report found almost half of the deaths in Orange County jails from 2014 to 2017 may have been preventable.

Environmental Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Mental Health, Community Safety, Patient Safety and Ethics