A special edition of Health Affairs explores the long shadow of violence on health — and how public policy might respond.
Community Safety
When horrific cases of child abuse make headlines, social workers are often painted as neglecting their duty. But is a system that protects parental rights and keeping families intact really to blame?
This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Nikie Johnson, a participant in the USC Center for Health Journalism's 2018 Data Fellowship....
Some children have been sexually assaulted. There are documented cases of child abuse. There have even been riots.
Four years after the city of Los Angeles expanded its domestic abuse response team program to all 21 divisions in the Los Angeles Police Department, a report says the program falls short of its target due to low levels of implementation by patrol officers.
The public is paying mightily for homelessness, regardless of whether or not voters support more funding for homeless services and housing.
In one incident, a girl with a mental health diagnosis was pepper-sprayed in the groin, then left to use toilet water to relieve her pain.
Arkansas has a child mortality rate far higher than the national average. Is the state doing enough to prevent these deaths?
Talking about our personal experiences with mental illness can be difficult, even when it’s just among family and friends. But without these stories, how can we begin to understand an issue that is affecting every community across our state?
This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Gary Walker, a participant in the USC Center for Health Journalism's California Fellowship....