Environmental Health

Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest, NARA, offers inpatient and outpatient drug treatment and a 70-bed residential program in Portland, Oregon.

Mental Health, Environmental Health

Research from across the nation shows that treating drug addiction reduces crime and medical expenses while boosting employment, meaning every dollar spent on treatment actually saves an average of $7.

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class

This two-part series examines this issues on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation:
Part 1: A Community's Struggle with Addiction
Part 2: Services Offered to Recovering Drug Users 

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Mental Health

<p>Arysta LifeScience, the manufacturer of methyl iodide, a toxic fumigant used in soil preparation for strawberries, carrots and other vegetable crops, has just announced that it is suspending all sales of the known carcinogen in the U.S.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>Too many folks have the wrong idea about the YWCA — and not just because they figure it’s the same thing as the YMCA.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>In the past, the study of addiction has often been focused on substances — like heroin, marijuana and alcohol. But experts in the field now believe that addiction begins with the “reward circuitry” in the brain rather than the substances themselves.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>If there's nowhere or way to exercise, how can we expect people to get physical activity?</p>

Environmental Health