Environmental Health

Parks can improve health and fight climate change. But not all parks affect a community the same way. Increasingly, activists and residents are asking the question, "Who's it for?"

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health

After learning about a Vietnam veteran who moved into his car after Hurricane Harvey, volunteers from the Texas Gulf Coast jumped in to help him clean up his home.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Community Safety

Joy and Ben Langford know how difficult it is for a young family to afford a home in Monterey County. They rented for several years as they had three children. At the same time, Ben’s parents wanted to downsize and relocate from Texas to California to be closer to them, but they couldn't afford it.

Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Aging

Like most of us, Doris Beckman, 67, had a plan for how life was going to go. But real life has a way of interrupting the imagined one.

Environmental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Aging