With deadlines looming, I was able to publish a feature-length story just a week after receiving data files with tens of millions of data points. Here's how I did it.
Mental Health
"My reporting will explore what medical professionals think of California’s strategies to reduce maternal mortality rates, and whether similar strategies could work nationwide," writes CNN Health's Jacqueline Howard.
As their town falls down around them, North Braddock families try to protect children — and lay a foundation for their future.
While maternal depression has been widely covered in recent years, we don't often talk about the emotional trauma and devastation mothers can face from a difficult labor and delivery.
Tulane University announced Wednesday that the Pincus Family Foundation, a nonprofit created in 2005, awarded a $550,000 grant to the school to create an interdisciplinary program aimed at preventing the violence that plagues New Orleans' streets.
This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Monica Vaughan, a participant in the 2019 California Fellowship....
At first the story of Dajha Richards' death was poised to be another daily about a fatal shooting. But as reporter Molly Sullivan combed through her social media accounts, she found a much deeper story of love and abuse.
If you were to seek opioid addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, what are the chances you'd run into a facility that didn’t offer the best possible treatment?
In communities of color, issues of mental health and suicide often don’t receive the attention they need. That's especially true of young black and Latino men in Texas.
There are a number of strategies for making sure older people don't fall victim to financial, emotional or physical abuse. One of those strategies might surprise you: Making sure an older person has an active social life.