San Luis Obispo County tenants are facing a “housing crisis point” as they struggle to find safe, affordable rentals and hold onto their homes amid the COVID-19 pandemic — and local advocates, attorneys and elected representatives are trying to find ways to help.
Poverty and Class
“I don’t care that this is being done by a GOP Sheriff,” U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz said on Twitter, referencing Sheriff Chris Nocco’s intelligence program.
A national public interest firm is representing the plaintiffs, who allege their First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights were infringed upon.
Does childhood immunization data show us which communities will shun the covid vaccines?
A Senate panel added the provision into a controversial bill addressing parental rights.
Florida’s agriculture commissioner asked the governor to open COVID-19 vaccinations to all farmworkers, noting they are “critical to producing safe, secure” food while being exposed to higher health risks during the pandemic.
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An 800-gallon leak of crude oil and 10-pound release of benzene, a chemical compound the World Health Organization classifies as carcinogenic, occurred in January 2020 near the planned destination of the Byhalia pipeline.
The city’s Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing is the main agency that oversees San Francisco’s shelters and services — and it has little to no oversight.
A reporter relfects on lessons learned while covering the mental health challenges confronting regufees in Buffalo, New York.