An action plan shared by the FDA earlier this year showed how the regulator is thinking about future regulations for AI and machine learning in healthcare. But the agency still has several big questions to address as it prepares to roll out new guidance.
Race and Equity
The smoke, it seemed to Victor, was inescapable. At night, it clung to his clothes, his hair, the inside of his nose; during the day, as he worked under the sun in the vineyards, he was embalmed by it.
A reporter finds people are hungry for spaces to talk about the mental health challenges confronting their communities.
Rent stress drove SF’s immigrant Latinx community to work during the pandemic.
Criminal justice scholars Frank Edwards and Andrea Headley join ProPublica's Topher Sanders for a look at the latest efforts to advance police accountability, and how reporters can stay ahead of the story.
This story was produced by Janine Zeitlin, a participant in the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism's 2020 Data Fellowship.
This story is part of a larger project series, "Voices from the Vineyard," led by Sarah Klearman, a 2021 Impact Fund grant recipient. She is reporting on how the twin crises of the pandemic and the wildfires have impacted the health of the valley’s farmworkers and their families....
This story is part of a larger project series, "Voices from the Vineyard," led by Sarah Klearman, a 2020 Impact Fellow. She is reporting on how the twin crises of the pandemic and the wildfires have impacted the health of the valley’s farmworkers and their families....
As harvest season approached, growers begged county officials to vaccinate their workers. But the state and counties didn’t prioritize vaccine doses for farmworkers in February. So the growers and doctors stepped in and set up their own clinics.
Experts and advocates working to combat domestic violence share insights in hopes of spurring smarter coverage.