Children & Families

Even as much of California’s housing market has begun to recover, foreclosures and vacant homes continue to plague the South Los Angeles community of Watts.

Housing and Homeslessness

More than one in four West Virginia fifth-graders are now obese. One in four already has high blood pressure. What's their future going to be?

This two-part series examines this issues on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation:
Part 1: A Community's Struggle with Addiction
Part 2: Services Offered to Recovering Drug Users 

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Mental Health

<p>Getting off an addictive painkiller, antibiotic prescriptions for cows, news on hot flashes and more from our Daily Briefing.</p>

Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Women's and Maternal Health

<p>In need of some comic relief amid all the Serious and Important coverage of the Supreme Court's hearings on the Affordable Care Act this week? Check out these health reform parodies.</p>

Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform

<p>Arysta LifeScience, the manufacturer of methyl iodide, a toxic fumigant used in soil preparation for strawberries, carrots and other vegetable crops, has just announced that it is suspending all sales of the known carcinogen in the U.S.</p>

Environmental Health