Community & Public Health

People’s bags seized during encampment sweeps have been thrown out or gone missing, resulting in the permanent loss of medication, family heirlooms, and shelter.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Housing and Homeslessness, Community Safety

Six months after the storm, Saturnino Figueroa Montes, 64, spent two weeks fighting something doctors couldn’t diagnose after conducting multiple tests. A retired carpenter of Mamey, a rural neighborhood in Patillas, he went into cardiac arrest after he was hospitalized.

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Health Insurance and Costs, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Patient Safety and Ethics

The Desert Sun invited community members Nora Soliz, Julie Hernandez and Greg Rodriguez to tell first-person stories about their struggles with homelessness and their successes out of it.

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class, Housing and Homeslessness

A Sun-Star analysis of obesity and demographic data from thousands of schools in the state show that low income and Latino students are at a substantially increased risk of developing obesity.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Chronic Disease, Food and Nutrition