STDs have been on the rise nationwide for the past five years, and South LA has some of the highest rates in the county. The problem is driven in part by high levels of racial segregation.
Community & Public Health
The homeless count is at a record high in Sacramento, with more children on the streets as families on the margins are priced out of housing. Shelters also say they're taking in senior citizens without a home for the first time.
Ruben Castaneda of U.S. News and Cristina Londoño of Telemundo reported very different series on immigrant health. But both reporters had to win the trust of undocumented families for their projects.
Susana Castro’s arms are deformed, bruised and mangled. At 67-year-old native of Mexico City has suffered from diabetes since she was 40. She now requires three hours of dialysis treatment every third day, or else she will die.
Doctors have a privileged view of the true impact of guns, since they're on the frontlines of treating victims. Now, physicians across the country are starting to share stories of the trauma they've seen firsthand.
The 12-square-mile Hoopa Reservation in Northern California has been grappling with drug abuse for decades. A new reporting project aims to find out how Hoopa youth are navigating the realities of addiction.
At Los Angeles Unified's 15 wellness centers and through in-class screenings, the district is stepping efforts to help students cope with extremely high levels of trauma and toxic stress.
“We started looking at the data and found the most vulnerable people in the county, and we put this team together to go find and work with them,” said Anna Roth, director of Contra Costa Health Services.
Battery recycling is considered one of the most potentially hazardous industries. Yet Vernon’s Exide workers were routinely being poisoned with nearly nonexistent intervention by Cal/OSHA.
At LAC+USC Medical Center, primary care doctors now routinely ask patients about things such as food, housing and mental health, with teams of providers ready to connect them to services.