Community & Public Health

Perla Trevizo is a recipient of the University of Southern California Annenberg Center's Fund for Journalism on Child Well-being.
Other stories in this series can be found here. 

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Mental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Community Safety

Perla Trevizo is a recipient of the University of Southern California Annenberg Center's Fund for Journalism on Child Well-being.
Other stories in this series can be found here. 

Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Poverty and Class, Mental Health, Community Safety

Perla Trevizo is a recipient of the University of Southern California Annenberg Center's Fund for Journalism on Child Well-being.
Other stories in this series can be found here.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Immigrant and Migrant Health, Mental Health