Community & Public Health

<p>When school budgets are cut, what does it take to keep physical education afloat in one Northern California school district? Outsourcing to fitness organizations plus a small army of parent volunteers, educators and foundations.</p>

<p>When 24-year-old Victoria Church moved back to D.C. after spending 10 months in China teaching English, she realized something was missing. How important is outdoor exercise equipment in helping people keep fit?</p>

<p>Too many folks have the wrong idea about the YWCA — and not just because they figure it’s the same thing as the YMCA.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>Everyone's on a mission to annihilate "food deserts," those low-income areas lacking in grocery stores and littered with greasy carry-outs. But what people eat is only part of the reason that obesity is consuming this country — and Washington, D.C.</p>

Chronic Disease

<p>In the past, the study of addiction has often been focused on substances — like heroin, marijuana and alcohol. But experts in the field now believe that addiction begins with the “reward circuitry” in the brain rather than the substances themselves.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>If there's nowhere or way to exercise, how can we expect people to get physical activity?</p>

Environmental Health