Community & Public Health

<p>In the past, the study of addiction has often been focused on substances — like heroin, marijuana and alcohol. But experts in the field now believe that addiction begins with the “reward circuitry” in the brain rather than the substances themselves.</p>

Environmental Health

<p>If there's nowhere or way to exercise, how can we expect people to get physical activity?</p>

Environmental Health

<p>After a stay at Clay County Detention Center, a father is on the road to recovery and reconnecting with his son. This story is part of a series that examines prescription drug abuse in Kentucky.</p>

Chronic Disease, Environmental Health

<p>West Virginia's Catholic bishop is calling on the state of West Virginia to devote more attention and money to help people struggling with addiction and mental illness.</p>

Mental Health, Environmental Health

<p>Prescription drug abuse is growing nationwide, but West Virginia was one of the first places hit by the problem. When I picked this topic, I didn't realize how complex it was. The drugs are widely available. Doctors are struggling to treat pain with effective medications without suppl

Environmental Health

<p><em>These stories on the challenges of managing diabetes were reported with the assistance of the USC Annenberg/California Endowment Health Journalism Fellowships, administered by the USC Annenberg School for Communication. The Express-News and KWEX-TV were selected by the program in 2008 to repo

Chronic Disease