Health Equity & Social Justice

Up to a third of people in Navajo Nation today lack heating, plumbing, or fully equipped kitchens. Indoor toilets are a luxury. Roads are terrible. How have these people been forgotten for so long?

This project received support from the Center for Health Journalism's California Fellowship and its Fund for Journalism on Child Well-being.
Other stories in the series include:
Black babies die at twice the rate of white babies. My family is part of this statistic
America's black babies are pay

Race and Equity

This story was produced as part of a project for the 2017 California Data Fellowship, a program of the USC Center for Health Journalism.

Housing and Homeslessness

The Castlemont neighborhood in East Oakland is known as a Best Babies Zone. The idea of this initiative is that improving life for everyone in the community will ultimately save babies.

Race and Equity